Lepisanthes divaricata (Radlk.) Leenh., Blumea 17 (1969)

Latin for 'spreading'.

Otophora divaricata Radlk.
Otophora lunduensis Radlk.
Otophora macrocarpa Ridl.
Otophora pyramidalis Radlk.

Understorey tree up to 13 m tall and 17 cm dbh. Stipules absent, but pseudo-stipules present (i.e. leaf-like appendage at leaf base instead of on twig). Leaves alternate, compound, leaflets penni-veined, glabrous. Flowers ca. 5 mm diameter, red-purplish, placed in panicles. Fruits ca. 25 mm diameter, yellow-brown, drupes.

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, keranga, swamp, coastal (mangrove) and sub-montane forests up to 1000 m altitude. Often on alluvial sites and along rivers and streams, but also on hillsides. Usually on clay soils. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant.

Borneo (Sarawak, West-, Central- and East-Kalimantan).

Local names
Borneo: Kekepal, Raramba, Sala-sala.