Gynotroches axillaris Blume, Bijdr. (1825)

Latin for 'axillary'.

Dryptopetalum coriaceum Arn.
Gynotroches axillaris var. obtusa Blume
Gynotroches axillaris var. parvifolia Blume
Gynotroches dryptopetalum Blume
Gynotroches dryptopetalum var. lanceolata Blume
Gynotroches lanceolata (Blume) Merr.
Gynotroches micrantha Blume
Gynotroches micrantha var. tuberculata Blume
Gynotroches parvifolia Merr.
Gynotroches puberula Merr.
Gynotroches reticulata A.Gray
Microtropis coriacea Wall.

Upper canopy tree up to 44 m tall and 81 cm dbh. Stipules ca. 15 mm long, sometimes hairy, dropped early. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined, glabrous to hairy, leaf margin sometimes toothed. Flowers ca. 3 mm diameter, white-yellowish, placed in axillary bundles. Fruits ca. 3 mm diameter, yellow-reddish-black, drupes.

Easily mistaken for a Rubiaceae species.

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, keranga and sub-montane forests up to 2200 m altitude. On hillsides and ridges with sandy soils. In secondary forests usually present as a pre-disturbance remnant.

The wood is locally used for light construction work.

Burma, Thailand to New Guinea, western Pacific and Australia. In Borneo collected in Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, West- and East-Kalimantan.

Local names
Borneo: Kupi-kupi, Membuloh, Rabong, Sabar baku.