Syzygium elliptilimbum (Merr.) Merr. & Perry, Mem. Amer. Ac. 18 (1939)

Latin for 'elliptic leaves'.

Eugenia elliptilimba Merr.
Eugenia suluensis Merr.

Sub-canopy tree up to 26(-40) m tall and 55(-100) cm dbh. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, simple, penni-veined with prominent venation, glabrous. Flowers ca. 7 mm diameter, white-yellowish, protruding stamens, flowers in panicles. Fruits ca. 14 mm diameter, green, smooth to strongly ridged, fleshy berries.

Canopy tree to 40 m tall, 1 m diameter, with low thin buttresses, smooth mauve-brown bark, and red-brown inner bark. Parts hairless. Twig stout, elliptic, smooth or cracked near nodes, dark red-brown. Leaf blade c.15 x 6.5(13-25 x 3.5-10) cm, elliptic, thinly leathery to papery and wavy on drying, drying more or less glistening on both surfaces, purplish brown above, duller rich red-brown beneath; base broadly wedge shaped or rounded, hardly tapering at the c.9 mm stout stalk; acumen c.1 cm, tapering; pits above invisible, obscurely but densely pimpled on both surfaces; veins well spaced with somewhat unequal intermediates, main veins 12-16 pairs, slender but distinctly raised on both surfaces somewhat more so beneath as also tertiaries, unfurrowed, spreading, irregularly placed with less prominent sometimes branched intermediates; intramarginal vein 2, the main 3-5 mm within margin, not prominently looped. Panicle to 3-terminal or subterminal axillary, to 13 cm long, 3 mm diameter, slender, round, much branched. Flower white, bud c.4 x 2(-6 x 3) mm, small, slender, obconical, tapering into slender pseudostalk, calyx sepal lobes at first small, hemispherical,falling at anthesis with their bases appressed in a rim round the corolla dome before anthesis; stamens many, style extending c.4 mm, slender. Fruit c.12 mm diameter, round, smooth with c.7 mm diameter sepal rim of short acute sepals.

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp, swamp and sub-montane forests up to 1400 m altitude. Usually on hillsides and ridges, but also common along rivers and streams. On sandy to clay soils.


Local names
Borneo: Obah, Ubah.