Gracinia nigrolineata Planch. ex T.Anderson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 263 (1874)

Species name meaning 'with black stripes', perhaps referring to the dark bark?.

Garcinia kunstleri King

Tree with very dark, almost black bark (similar to many Diospyros species, but branching pattern is different).

Tree with very dark, almost black bark. Stipules absent. Leaves opposite, petioles clasping the twigs, secondary venation barely visible, with resin ducts visible when held against the light. Inflorescences small. The oval, orange-coloured fruit is 3-4cm long, slightly skewed, and ridged.

Forest understoreys.

The edible fruit is gathered from the wild for local use, whilst the tree is grown in SE Asia both for its delicious fruits and also as a rootstock for the mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana. Apparently used as an ingredient for weight loss products.

Southeast Asian mainland into Peninsular Malaysia.

Local names
English: Beaked kandis.