Canarium pilosum Benn. in Hook.f., Fl. Br. Ind. 1 (1875)

Latin for 'hairy'.

Canarium grandiflorum Benn. in Hook.f.
Canarium hirtellum Benn. in Hook.f.
Canarium motleyanum Engl. in DC
Canarium pilosum var. hirtellum Benn. in Hook.f.
Dacryodes scandens Husson.

Tree, 10-28(-37) m by 20-45(-65) cm; buttresses, if present, up to 1 m high. Branchlets slender, 0.5-1 cm thick, long remaining densely woolly pubescent; pith with a peripheral cylinder of vascular strands, rarely also some in the central part. Stipules mostly persistent, inserted at the base of the petiole or on the petiole up to 2.25 cm from the base, subulate, up to 2 cm. Leaves (1-)2-4(-6)- jugate, more or less pubescent in all parts, rarely entirely glabrous. Leaflets ovate to oblong- lanceolate, 4-25 by 1.5-10 cm, chartaceous, totally glabrous to pubescent on the midrib above and woolly pubescent beneath; base rounded to broadly cuneate; margin minutely serrulate to entire; apex gradually to subabruptly, short and bluntly to long and acutely acuminate; nerves 8-15 pairs (angle from base to apex 80-50 degrees), curving, geniculate near the margin, often more or less arching. Inflorescences axillary to pseudoterminal, rarely terminal, glabrescent, rather few flowered, male ones narrowly paniculate, 4-10-26 cm long, female ones more racemose, 1.5-10 cm. Flowers 1-1.25 cm long, slender, specially the male ones, densely pubescent outside. Calyx in male flowers 2-4 mm high, in female ones 5-6 mm. Stamens glabrous, in male flowers 6-8 mm long, connate for 2-3 mm; in 9 flowers 4 mm long, nearly entirely connate. Disk cupular, up to 1 mm high, pilose. Pistil pilose, in male flowers very small. Infructescences 1.5-10 cm long, with 1-4(-8) fruits crowded at the top of the stalk; calyx saucer-shaped, 3-lobed, 6-13 mm diam. Fruits oblong (to ovoid), at the apex nearly always truncate and with 3 'shoulders', rarely tapering, mostly rounded 3-angular in crosssection, (1.75-)2.25-3.25 by (0.75-)1-1.5 cm, glabrous except sometimes at the apex; pyrene smooth, the sides concave to faintly keeled; lids 1.5(-3) mm thick. Seed nearly always 1, the sterile cells strongly reduced. [from Flora Malesiana]

In undisturbed mixed dipterocarp forests up to 400(-1500) m altitude. On hillsides and ridges with sandy soils and swamps.

The wood is said to be durable against insects and is used for house-building. The seeds are edible, sweet. The resin is used to close wounds.

Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.

Local names
Borneo: Alum pesa, Damar lilin, Kedongdong, Keramoh batu, Seladah.
Malay Peninsula: kadondong krat, kejam penggeli.
Sumatra: bantan kerosoh, damar kunang, kaju putih, merasam daun ahts, medang serababa, awa surian, bangkiring sito bulung, surian tiding, surian pajo, surian silai, surian sito bulung, tutun surian.